What are Orthodontic Retainers and How Do They Work?

Orthodontic retainers are worn on the roof of the mouth as a preventative strategy to keep teeth from reverting to their original position. A headgear is a device that has a strap on the back of the head and a metal wire on the front. This is to prevent the upper jaw from growing too large. Serial aligners are an alternative to traditional braces for adults that are used by our Orthodontists at Dr. Jamal’s dental clinic to shift teeth in the same way that fixed appliances do, but without the use of metal wires and brackets.

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Orthodontic retainers

It’s a big relief to have your braces removed, but it doesn’t mean your orthodontic treatment is over. Orthodontic retainer will be fitted for you by your orthodontist. This is a custom-made device, typically made of rubber or plastic, that keeps your teeth from returning to their natural positions. Metal wires in your retainer may hold your teeth in place while your bones and gums heal. It’s possible that you’ll need to wear your retainer every day or only at night. In any case, there should be no discomfort.

Orthodontic retainers

Clear retainers are also available in dental hospital. Some patients are unaware of the importance of wearing retainers, however failing to do so might result in a relapse, in which case your misaligned teeth may return, making treatment more difficult! And, if you want more information about orthodontic retainers or are ready to begin braces or Invisalign treatment, visit the best dental clinic in Karachi & call Dr. Jamal to make an appointment!

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